19 April 2011

more inner ramblings from yours truly

last night, in the bathtub, i was thinking. that's where i do my best thinking... no one talks to me (usually), i can lock the world out and just soak... and think (or play bubble breaker on my phone...). and these thoughts don't always mean something (at least, not on a conscious level), or maybe they pertain to people that i'm close to... but nevertheless, i think them. they are mine. but, last night i was thinking~ you know how "they" say "the grass ain't always greener on the other side"? (i mean, whoever "they" may be may not say "ain't" exactly, but i'm from south georgia. we say ain't).... so, if it "aint always greener" then it still is sometimes right? i mean, i've never heard anyone say "the grass is never greener on the other side"... and come to think of it, there has to be a place where the grass is the greenest, right? i mean, i'm no expert when it comes to grass and stuff, but i have some close friends who own lawn care businesses and i'm fairly sure that if i asked one of them if they'd ever seen grass greener than the grass in my yard, they could probably name several places with greener grass. i mean, i get the point... maybe the greener grass has to be cut more often.. .or maybe they have a mole problem, where i do not. i get that every ideal situation has its pitfalls... my yard is just fine. the grass is fine. i like it. its good grass. (lots of weeds, and i've spotted a few too many ant hills, but it's still pretty and green) but maybe i wouldn't mind a bigger yard.
i'd even settle for some greener grass.... :/


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